Monday, October 31, 2005

also free on friday night!


This is Kelly, the singer for Park Slope Presbyterian church's worship team. She has a gig Friday night in the East Village (great spot). Might be a fun place to get a taste of "real" nyc night life and support a fellow artist/believer. you can pick up a sample of her singing on the link above and another on the link below...(or borrow one of her cd's from fpw)

moma: free on friday nights :)


this is one of the exhibitions at Moma right now. When visiting NYC on a budget this is a insider's secret: Friday's from 4:00 - 8:00 is free! (hint hint).

*check out the link

odilon redon

Odilon Redon

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

why columbus is just as good as nyc:

loyal divide

so how can you really top a 21st birthday with your little sis crashing an Oktoberfest Church party with a 6 pack of Guinness, having coffee, than breakfast, then lunch, then coffee again - all with a different friend...and some how fitting in a nose piercing...topping it off with an awesome church service, hanging out at northstar and catching a battle of the bands concert in an underground bar on campus!

new york who?

so the picture above is one i took at the concert Sunday night. The band is Miami (of OH) alum. i met Chris a few years back (a friend of Matt's and his sister). coolest guy. super humble spirit and a believer too. i linked the title to one of their songs. they will be playing at Andyman's Treehouse on the 18th just incase anyone is interested. It's kinda fun to support a small band that has a lot of potential. some songs are stronger than others, but you'll have that with Coldplay too. I donno i think they are worth a listen...

going to see Willie Nelson and Ryan Adams & the Cardinals on the 16th, Pedro the Lion on the 18th.

still miss Ohio :(



miss u

little blurry but still good! Someone is missing though???

funky faith

what really hurts?


what really hurts?

it isn't getting your nose pierced...

but getting a cold the next day!

ps- is that Vanilla Ice??

Monday, October 17, 2005

ant farm

across the street

this was taken out the back window at work. (NYU dorms) it reminds me of a human ant farm!

minority report

local bar at the fall retreat - upstate NY

look at this picture closely and tell me what you see?
"can i say something to you white people? some years ago an African American Christian friend of mine said 'you know what...the one thing that bothers me about you white Christians... you do not know you have a culture'. it took me about 10 min. for him to help me understand it- which proved his point by the way - what he said was 'you white understand that there is black culture, there's Asian culture, there's Latino culture, but the way you do things are just the way things are don't think of it as a culture, but (white) is a culture ...but it isn't just the way all sensible people think or the way all Christian people think'. And b/c white people have been incharge for so long...non-white people know how there culture works. they know how their culture works, they know how white culture works or they wouldn't' be able to get around. but we - white Christians - we don't know. we just tend to think this is the way things are. and if we are going to be a part of the new community, we're gonna have to listen more than we ever have." Tim Keller

I listened to this sermon today (which i have linked if you want to listen to the message in it's entirety). the above excerpt stood out more after this weekend. most mornings i look around the train car and can't even count on two hands the nations and culture represented inside. it gives me chills to be a part of that. a part of a city, and a part of a country that contains so many kinds of people. this weekend put things again in a new prespective. over and over i found myself to be in the minority. I know this seems like a stupid thing to get excited about on a church retreat, but it really isn't...not for someone who grew up in a high school with 2 black students. even after graduating college, working in New Albany didn't lend it's self well to a cultural experience. I guess I just want to know that i don't live in a bubble. that i don't assume that if one looks Asian, they come from Korea, Japan or China. I am so thankful for the time i had to get to know all these new friends and learn from the things they shared. about their faith, and families. the struggles they experience and the way they view life.

when it all comes down to it, I don't want to be the white girl from ohio who thinks white culture is not a culture but just the way things are done.

Oh and PS- Ji has Polio (she's not drunk) and Jenni (in the top left corner) she's just a little funny:)

nose piercing phenomenon

pastor's wife

kathy (on the right) is John Sweet's (asst. pastor's) wife. she has her nose pierced too. what is it with piercings and pastors' wives?? Charity, Heather, now Kathy! I told her that a pierced nose on a pastor's wife holds a special place in my heart :)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Shitty Promises

promise of what?

Please explain what this wrapper is "promising" me.


"We crave things we neither need nor enjoy. 'We buy things we do not want to impress people we do not like'. Where planned obsolescence leaves off, psychological obsolescence takes over. We are made to feel ashamed to wear clothes or drive cars until they are worn out. The mass media have convinced us that to be out of step with fashion is to be out of step with reality. It is time to awaken to the fact that conformity to a sick society is to be sick. Until we see how unbalanced our culture has become at this point, we will not be able to deal with the mammon spirit within ourselves nor will we desire Christian simplicity
This psychosis permeated even our mythology. The modern hero is the poor boy who purposefully becomes rich rather than the rich boy who voluntarily becomes poor. Covetousness we call ambition. Hoarding we call prudence. Greed we call industry."

-Celebration of Discipline

I was told today that I'm not in Ohio anymore. That I'm in the minority in this city (as far as my faith in Christ is concerned). I actually found that statement funny. I don't know why exactly, but I guess it's because I had just read the above paragraphs a few days earlier. If what we are experiencing ... Racism, sexual promiscuity, materialism, poverty...If that is part of "the norm"by default, then why would I want to be that? There's no lasting hope in any of these things. No love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control exist within these normal issues. I struggle with sin like everyone, but I will chose to be in the "minority", relying on a pure truth before I submit to a life-style and world that produces such blind advice as "do what feels right".

It's not everyday that you get a "fortune" so bad that-
1.) you feel compelled to blog about it.
2.) it reveals how broken the world is...right down to the message you find in a candy wrapper.
2) it solidifies your hope in Christ alone!

God must like chocolate too!

promises nothing!



"THAT WAS ROCK N" ROLL" - jack blosser

buy this album!!!!!

wish I could write more...super busy...been working laaaate (and partying with celebs :) ha ha

Grace Central's Fall Women's retreat is a go! My roommate is going to be out of town anyway Homecoming at U Penn! How perfect is that!!?

More to come bare with me :)