Tuesday, October 25, 2005

why columbus is just as good as nyc:

loyal divide

so how can you really top a 21st birthday with your little sis crashing an Oktoberfest Church party with a 6 pack of Guinness, having coffee, than breakfast, then lunch, then coffee again - all with a different friend...and some how fitting in a nose piercing...topping it off with an awesome church service, hanging out at northstar and catching a battle of the bands concert in an underground bar on campus!

new york who?

so the picture above is one i took at the concert Sunday night. The band is Miami (of OH) alum. i met Chris a few years back (a friend of Matt's and his sister). coolest guy. super humble spirit and a believer too. i linked the title to one of their songs. they will be playing at Andyman's Treehouse on the 18th just incase anyone is interested. It's kinda fun to support a small band that has a lot of potential. some songs are stronger than others, but you'll have that with Coldplay too. I donno i think they are worth a listen...

going to see Willie Nelson and Ryan Adams & the Cardinals on the 16th, Pedro the Lion on the 18th.

still miss Ohio :(



Blogger Charity said...

Fashion Question for the Fashion Experts (Yes, Nichole & Molly): Can short boots with a heel be worn with skirts?

Blogger m. said...

I think it depends on the length of the skirt...if it is to the knee I think your safe. Where do the boots hit on your leg - ankle, knee...?

Blogger Charity said...

Haven't bought them yet, but they come just above the ankle.

Blogger Nichole said...

you have good legs, so yes, under the following conditions:
1. The skirt is a little above the knee and straight, not full
2. The skirt is long enough to cover the boot
3. some sort of tights are worn (or thigh high socks! that would rock!)


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