Friday, February 24, 2006

my day started at 2am

brooklyn coffee

you know how your day can get off to a rough start and it's all down hill from there?
as my day progressed i reallized it is all in how we choose to view the mishaps, curves and frustrations...which for the mostpart can be small, but annoying!

my goal is always to get in bed by 12am. rarely do i meet this goal...

today i had planned to get up at 7am to move my car (street cleaning) and then meet a friend for coffee before I crammed a run in just before i dragged my tired behind to work...


i go to bed at 2am. get up at 7 and walk to the which i could barely make it much less sit down because of a workout 2 days prior (never underestimate a liitle thing they call a medicine ball).

i move my car far enough away from my apartment that i have to take the subway back...

to my bed, but not before i text message my friend that "no cup of coffee will cure the sleep i am needing and the pain my muscles are experiencing". i climb into bed and sleep for about a 1/2 hour till...

the door bell friend (whom i stood up) personally delivers a cup of coffee to me. I'm up!!

i quickly order a plane ticket that i have been meaning, promising, needing to do - while i drink a great cup of coffee.

commute 30min to work. read Exodus 6 - 10 ...Moses, God, gnats, flies frogs, hail, locust, darkness ...can't get much more exciting than that!


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