Saturday, January 14, 2006


dynamic duo

can i profess my undying love for anything wes anderson?!

i finally saw Bottle Rocket for the first time (thank you Ryan)

it has been a long time since i have laughed that much watching a movie.
it is now in that top 10 list!

"Why is there tape on your nose?"--Bob

He's out. You're out, too. And I don't think I'm in either...

Bob's gone. He stole his car.


Blogger TheShow said...

I agree with all your favorite quotes - especially "and I don't think I'm in either..."

However, I must add:

"One morning, over at Elizabeth's beach house, she asked me if I'd rather go water-skiing or lay out. And I realized that not only did I not want to answer THAT question, but I never wanted to answer another water-sports question, or see any of these people again for the rest of my life." --Anthony

Blogger m. said...

that almost made it on the post!!!

I just got tired of blogging (3am)

so when are you back in town? :)

Blogger Nichole said...

Finally, you watched it!

Can you bring it home with you when you come in next time?

I miss it!.....


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