Monday, December 12, 2005


family guy

a friend (and mother of 2 teenage boys) said something tonight worth repeating-

"It's as if all of the jokes assume that people hold nothing sacred anymore."

she was expressing her disbelief of the latest pop-culture cartoon family...on the heals of the Simpsons --> the Family Guy.

i have not seen an episode in it's entirety, but i have seen enough to i being ridiculous? is she being ridiculous?? any thoughts??


Blogger p90me said...

Bart and Lisa are Sunday school compared to this family. I don't believe I have completed an episode, but i must say, The freebasing Cooking Monster may be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Did you see that? The fact that Cookie Monster was trying to make cookies in a bathroom with a spoon and lighter is absolutely classic, esp. after being admitted into rehab and he was found with cookies under his sheets and he tried to blame it on one of the nurses.

But, yes, in the rest that I have seen, there is nothing sacred with this show.

Blogger Charity said...

I saw a part of a show as well. It showed Jesus arguing with Joseph, telling him he wasn't his "real" dad. Jesus then called God, who is in bed with a woman, and asks to come stay with him. God says no, hangs up and asks the woman where they were, she hands him a condom, and he begs to not use it since it's his birthday.

You tell me. I turned if off.

Blogger m. said...

i know there are definitely lol moments on the show. i remember you telling me about the cookie monster episode. so funny...and i begin to feel some self righteousness showing through when i make posts like this one. God knows i'm a mess!!!!

this is one of those chicken or the egg questions...but do you think it's shows like this one that creates tolerance for dysfunction and disrespect within families, or do you think it is the already present dysfunction and disregard that has made the show such a growing cult classic?

Blogger m. said...

ok - funkypw! just read your comment...

that excerpt cinches it for me...that makes me wanna throw-up in my mouth!

Blogger p90me said...

WOW, funkywife, what absolute wickedness!

Molly, I think it is a both/and. Clearly it is a reflection of the heart that allows a lot of this to prosper, but Paul says, "Bad company corrupts good character." He prefaces this with: "Don't be deceived." Even Nas reminds us, "Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring..."

The Psalms & Revelation (as well as much of the Bible) are great reflections of righteouss indignation and reflection upon our own corruption. As a fruit of our culture we are more prone to "humility" than "indignation", but I think the Bible captures both. Do you think Paul knew his corruption? Yet, he was willing to tell people to stop sinning and threatened to come with a whip. He also sought to nurture like a mother, etc.

Blogger m. said...

that is why i like you kdny (well one of the reasons anyway...). you are a constant source of encouragement, accountability, humility, and laughter! and you can memorize like a master!

why aren't you preaching again???

ps- glad you came last night...who needs free booz when you can sing for such an audience as that ;)


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