Tuesday, August 23, 2005

a thought

"american Christians live in the richest nation on earth and enjoy an average household income of $42,409. the world bank reports that1.2 billion of the world's poorest people try to survive on just $1 a day. atleast one billion people have never heard the gospel. the Ronsvalles point out that if American Christians just tithed, they would have another $143 billion availible to empower the poor and spread the gospel. Studies by the United Nations suggest that just an additional $70 - $80 billion a year would be enough to provide access to essential services like basic health care and education for all the poor of the earth. If they did no more than tithe, American Christians would have the private dollars to foot this entire bill and still have $60 - $70 billion more to do evangelism around the world."

-the scandal of the evangelical conscience

though "some" of you may think Sider is very "left handed"...he does have a very good point here - putting our role and commitment as the body of Christ in perspective. So many issues in this world are sent to the wrong desk in the wrong office!


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